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Orignal art set into magnets for your home or office. Each set comes mounted and wrapped, ready to give as a gift. 


There is a story that tells of quilts being used to message escaping slaves on the Underground Railroad. Though there is little evidence, beyond word-of-mouth, to support these claims, I believe stories exist for a reason. You'll find evidence of folk art like this throughout my work.


Here are four of my favorite patterns:


North star: used in conjunction with the Big Dipper, the North Star served as a compass. 


Shoofly: used to ID a person who could help guide the way. 


Log cabin: a symbol of safety or a message to take shelter.


Flying Geese: migrating geese could be used to follow north as well as to find water. 


Listing is for one set (4 individual magnets) of 1" ceramic magnets. 


All parts made in the U.S.A.

Underground Railroad Quilt Pattern Magnets

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