When Covid-19 began hitting the U.S., I was feeling unraveled. The promising spring was becoming a series of cancelations, disappointments, and with it a bout of depression. I needed structure, something to get me out of bed, so I started this project of creating a small landscape each day and selling them for $25 each. They consist of places I've been with those I love or of abstract memories. They brought me comfort and allowed others to bring art into their home during financial uncertainty.

Acrylic on Reclaimed Yew Wood. Black Waxed Cord. 2"x2"

Acrylic on Reclaimed Yew Wood. Black Waxed Cord. 2"x2"

3"x5" Gouache on Arches Paper

4"x4" Gouache on Arches Paper

5"x3" Gouache on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

3"x5" Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Arches Paper

3"x5" Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Arches Paper

3"x5" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

3"x5" Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel & Charcoal on Arches Paper

5"x4" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

4"x4" Watercolor on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

4"x4" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

4"x4" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

2 1/2"x5 1/2" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Arches Paper

5"x3" Oil Pastel on Pastel Paper